
Kwanini wasichana hukimbia vyuo vya Ufundi?

 Wanafunzi wa Chuo cha Ufundi Arusha katika Mazoezi ya Vitendo  KWA muda mrefu sasa, baadhi ya wadau wa elimu nchini na wanasiasa, kwa nyakati tofauti wamekuwa wakikosoa elimu inayotolewa nchini  kwamba imekuwa haiwawezeshi wahitimu kushindana katika soko la ajira.Pia,  kutokana na uhaba wa ajira nchini, serikali na baadhi ya wadau wamekuwa wakihimiza suala la vijana kujiajiri wenyewe badala ya kutegemea kuajiriwa kwenye ofisi mbalimbali. Licha ya ukweli kuwa, pamoja na sekta nyingine zote, ile ya ufundi ndiyo inayotoa zaidi fursa ya watu kujiajiri wenyewe, takwimu zinaonyesha kuwa, idadi ya wanafunzi wanaochagua kujiunga na vyuo hivyo, hasa wasichana ni ndogo mno. Mwaka 2010, kwa mfano  wanafunzi waliojiunga na vyuo vya ufundi  vya serikali walikuwa  897 ambapo kati yao,  wasichana walikuwa  16, idadi ambayo ni sawa na asilimia 1.78. Akitangaza matokeo ya kidato cha nne ya mwaka huo, Waziri wa Elimu na Mafunzo ya Ufundi wa wakati huo, Profesa Jumanne Maghembe alisema ,“Id

Arusha Technical College strives for excellence

Arusha Technical College (ATC) is an autonomous Institution registered by National Council for Technical Education (NACTE) to train technicians and engineers. The college was granted autonomous in March 2007 through the Arusha Technical College Establishment Order, to replace the then Technical College Arusha (TCA) that existed since 1978. Staff Writer DEOGRATIAS MUSHI explains how the college has undergone 30 years of good reputation in the provision of technical education and training. FOR any person who visits Arusha Technical College (ATC) today he/she may not doubt that the institution is indeed striving to become a centre of excellence in training, research and consultancy in science and technology. You pass around the college corridors, and all you meet are jovial students moving from one lecture hall to the other, hurrying up to attend to another harangue. In short, there is no time to waste. The students are aware that the college is struggling to provide competence-based